“An Adventure Called Merengue” is the name of the cultural show that Jandy Ventura with El Legado will present in Los Angeles, this Friday, July 1st at the Carson Community Center.
The cultural event organized by the director Marisol Vargas of the Fundación Dominicana y Latina (Dominican and Latin Foundation) “Quisqueya La Bella”, community leader of the Dominican community in Los Angeles, will celebrate in a big way the brotherhood of Latinos living in the area, fans of the musical repertoire of the exponent with the most extensive discography.
The party at the highest level, with William Liriano as associate producer, promises that the entire West Coast will be filled with rhythm and flavor, paying tribute to the greatest merenguero of all time, Johnny Ventura.
During this dance meeting, the public will also be able to enjoy the mixes by DJ Luis Brito and the live bachata by Idenis Peña, according to the organizing committee composed of Mariluz Acosta, Clara Tavarez and Luis Brito.
Tickets for the show, which is scheduled for 8:00 pm, are on sale at Ticketon. Information (818) 479-1252.