The “Prix de la Jeune Écriture francophone Stéphane Hessel”, founded in 2013 by Alliance francophone, Radio France Internationale (RFI) and TV5 Monde France is annual
It is open only for French-speaking writers aged 15 to 25, of all countries.
Its objective is to give to young Francophones the opportunity to express themselves, to contribute to literary creation and to promote the French language in the world.
The candidates can compete under a pen name and have to choose between two categories : Poems and Short stories.
In the category “Poems”, the young authors have to present 10 unpublished poems in French language (Arial font, size 12) with no limit on length.
In the category“Short stories”, the participants must submit an unpublished short story in French, or about 10 sheets A4 with 20 000 characters maximum.
The candidates must base their works on a theme. In 2016, the organizers chose “The Living together”as the theme. In 2015, it was a quote from Stéphane Hessel :“The Exasperation is a denial of Hope”.
The jury, made up of 16 professionals of the media and culture, will select a prizewinner in each category, according to the quality of texts in competition.
The winners will receive a sum of money (1,250 euros, in 2015) and their work will be promoted on the radio and television.
The rules of the contest are available at the websites http://www.rfi.fr et http://clubsrfi.blogs.rfi.fr/ .