It is not normal that a documentary of this type, dedicated to social and cultural research stays so long in commercial cinemas.
The Dominican documentary “Hay un país en el mundo” (There is a country in the world), which deals with the theme of cultural identity and Dominican pride, with the participation of important national music representatives, and experts and intellectuals in each topic, reached its fourth week of exhibition in commercial cinemas in the Dominican Republic.
“It is not normal that a documentary of this type, dedicated to social and cultural research stays so long in commercial cinemas”, said José Enrique Pintor, director of this production.
He stressed that this is a sign of the acceptance of the public and the support of distributors and exhibitors who understand the importance of making everything accessible to viewers so they can enjoy this type of project.
The documentary, which premiered at the Eduardo Brito National Theater and shocked all those present, was made after a long-term research work, it took the production over a year and a half to achieve the final result.
“As Dominicans, there are many things we can be proud of and love for our people will be the engine to preserve them and to fight for their improvement. This can be achieved only with the knowledge of what we are and the effort to preserve it” said José Pintor.
Is recommended to watch on the big screen the documentary “Hay un país en el mundo” which had the executive production of Banco BHD-León and was shot with the most advanced audio-visual technologies so that you can appreciate the beautiful images by Elías Acosta and all his crew.