This show, organized at the Memorial ACTe as part of the 171st anniversary of the Abolition of Slavery in Guadeloupe, combined singing, music, dance, theatre and history.
As every year, the Memorial ACTe commemorated the Abolition of Slavery that took place in Guadeloupe on May 27, 1848. To celebrate the 171st anniversary of this historical event, the Caribbean Centre of Expressions and Memory of the Transatlantic Slave trade and Slavery host a show mixing song, music, dance and theatre entitled “Mé 67, Abominasyon, kònné” depicting the massacre of Guadeloupeans by armed forces during a strike of sugarcane workers in Pointe-à-Pitre in May 1967 to get a raise.
This historical fresco, created by the Guadeloupean choreographer Raymonde Pater Torin, began at 15:00 pm on the Place de la Victoire, where the first shots were fired 52 years ago, then the procession headed to the MACTe to the sound of drums and conch shells. The show continued until 5:30 pm on the big Place de la Commemoration in front of a very attentive public composed, among others, of people having experienced this bloody fact and young people who discovered this massacre of May 1967 which is always surrounded by many mysteries (exact number of deaths, names of people killed etc.) because of the silence and fear of the people at that time… The crowd was invited to throw flowers to the sea in memory of the slave ancestors and victims. Finally, the spectators joined the musicians and actors to perform a parade on the site…
Several cultural associations participated in “Mé 67, Abominasyon, kònné” : Kamodjaka, Akadémiduka, Klé-la (well-known in the carnival world on the island), Koklaya, Bannelokamao and Aka-Kamo. Note that this performance was accessible to the deaf and hard of hearing.