For ten years now, Mouvman Kiltirèl Mas Ka Klé in collaboration with its partners has been organizing a “Cultural Weekend” (Wikenn Kiltirèl, in Creole) during the carnival period. At this meeting which takes place on Wednesday 25, Friday 27 and Saturday 28 January 2023, members of the association gather with their guests and the population to exchange on the Guadeloupean culture.

The theme chosen for this tenth edition is “Vyé kannari ka fè bon soup” (Old pots make good soup). A theme that “invites reflection on the intergenerational project. The message to convey for the development and evolution of our popular genius: let’s keep in touch with our elders!”, says the association.

The program will be launched this Wednesday, January 25 at 7:00 pm in Savann Tico, at the premises of Mas Ka Klé with a talk on the theme “Jénès an Mas la: sa nou ba yo é sa yo ka poté” (Youth in the Mas: what we gave them and what they bring).
Mas Ka Klé which is one of the biggest “skin groups” of the Guadeloupean carnival has chosen Fritz Naffer as a guest artist for this event which is also musical.

On Friday, January 27 will take place the “Mas a Lannuit”, this impressive parade of skin groups (more than 20, this year) through the streets of Raizet, in Les Abymes, from 8:00 pm.
On Saturday, January 28, from 6:00 pm, artists (Jenn a Mas Ka Klé, Nouvèl jénérasyon Ka, Loïc Emboulé & Niuka) will perform on the podium in Savann Tico and, from 9:00 pm, a great léwòz with Fritz Naffer in particular will close the “Wikènn Kiltirèl”.