On the occasion of the public opening of the Memorial ACTe in Pointe-à-Pitre (Guadeloupe), the first edition of the “Caribbean Festival of Image” was launched.
This exhibition organized from July 10 to August 30, 2015 consisted of photographs and videos. In total, about thirty photographers from nine Caribbean islands decided to show to the public their own views of themselves and of the world.
The works arranged on wooden pallets were divided into four areas.
First, “The Photographic Archaeology” that is a presentation of the first private photos taken in the region, in particular those from the volume “West Indies” which belong to Keystone Company dating back to the beginning of the 20th century.
Then, “The Family” that had its photographs taken by a professional at important moments of life (birth, marriage etc.) to obtain a portrait, a group photo which became a memory.
“20 images, 20 photographs” was a tribute to the Guadeloupean photographer and promoter of this event, Daniel Goudrouffe, who shared to the public his shots realized in the Caribbean and in New York, for years.
Finally, “The New trends” grouped current productions obtained, among others things, by the new technologies.
The second part of this first “Caribbean Festival of the Image” arranged in the temporary exhibition area of the Memorial ACTe was devoted to video. About twenty directors native of five islands offered 40 silent and audio movies in three themes : Traces – Imprints – Becoming.
Several conferences on various topics were held during the festival : “The representation of Black Man’s talk in Film”, led by the director Tony Coco-Viloin ; “Slavery in Film” by Carine Irénée (cinema surfer) ; “Caribbean Photographic Identities” by Daniel Goudrouffe (artist photograph) ; “A look at the Caribbean Collective Imagination” by Fabienne Viala (University of Warwick, UK) ; “Bigidi and Video art : Between Traces and Imprints) by Lena Blou (choreographer), Jean-François Manicom (photographer, Festival organizer)…
The second exhibition of Caribbean images was not organized during this year 2016 but it is deeply awaited …
Barbuda : Juan Maria Gomez, known as “Perro Amarillo”
Cuba : Pedro Abascal, José Alberto Figueroa, René Pena, Rafael Villares, Mabel Poblet
Dominica : Sheldon Casimir, Charles Louis
Guadeloupe : Steeve Cazaux, Charles Chalumeau-Rousseau, Yvan Cimadure-Mery, Laetitia Petreluzzi, Philippe Virapin
Haiti : Maksaens Denis, François Gasner, Josué Azor, Paolo Woods
Martinique : Jean–Baptiste Barret, Robert Charlotte, Mario Gilbert, Shirley Rufin
Saint Martin : David Gumbs
Saint Vincent & The Grenadines : Charles Louis, Ericson Joseph
Venezuela : Anabell Guerrero
Dominica : Aarmaï Augustine, Jevier Denzel
Guadeloupe : Sébastien Barthélémy, Steeve Cazaux, Collectif Cnou Menm, Guy Gabon, Klod Kiavue, José Manlius, Nicolas Mérault, Nicolas Nabajoth, François Piquet, Léa de Saint-Julien, Janluk Stanislas, Sandrine Trésor, Henry Tauliault
Jamaica: Calvin Walker
Martinique : Gilles Élie-dit-Cosaque
Saint Lucia : Davina Lee
Saint Martin : David Gumbs
Trinidad & Tobago : Nicole Brooks, Michael Chambers, Jeannette Ehlers