Created in 2002 by the municipal officials at the time “Fèt a Kabrit” takes place at the Easter weekend and aims to preserve the tradition of eating goat for Easter and boost the economy of Désirade island.
During the long Easter weekend in 2016, thousands of people went by boat to Désirade, this small island of the Guadeloupean archipelago. The goat, the king of the festival, was prepared with any sauce for the great pleasure of gourmets.
To begin this 14th edition of “Fèt a Kabrit”, on Thursday March 24, was held a professional day with the breeders of Désirade and Guadeloupe. This initiative followed the creation, last year, of the Trade Union Association of Breeders of Désirade. A conference whose theme was : “First vehicule of valuation of your livestock : the improvement of food” and an exhibition about goats and sheep had been organized.
From Saturday,26, boats left the landing stage of the town of Saint-François in Guadeloupe to steer the large number of visitors towards this small island in the archipelago which is wipped by the wind of the Atlantic Ocean, an island where the famous football player Thierry Henry comes from. On-the-spot, the public transport was free for this occasion and various opportunities and activities were waiting for them : sale of goats, sale of goat meat, rides in the goat-carts, contest of the most beautiful goat, contest of goats in fancy dress, show of Indian dance, boules competitions etc. All the local restaurants offered to their customers dishes with goat and fresh fish because Désirade is also a ground of fishermen.
No party without music so the organizers had invited the singer from Dominica island, Gordon Henderson and Fanm ki Ka, women who play and sing gwoka.
Public enthusiasm for this heritage festival during Easter weekend does not diminish.
From April 2 to 5, 2015, during the 13th edition, the French region of Brittany was the special guest of “Fèt a Kabrit”. In various culinary workshops organized Saturday and Sunday, Britons and Desiradians had shown to the 3000 visitors their ways to cook that meat. The public had savoured in particular the “colombo with goat” cooked with firewood and had enjoyed a lamb-barbecue.
Other activities were organized on the occasion of this event which enhances the culinary, craft and traditional heritage on the island. Among them : the traditional goats shows and contest of goats in fancy dress, exhibition dedicated to conch (lambi), visit of the Botanical Garden of Désirade, discovery of the geological reserve…
Craft stands were opened for the whole weekend to present and to sell local production.
Music had also livened up the festival with, among others, the Martinican singer E.Sy. Kennenga and “La Bande a Mano”. A local dance had closed the event.
The aim of the organizers is that “Fèt a Kabrit” becomes the major meeting for promoting goat sector in the Guadeloupean archipelago.
The island of Désirade is proud of its goat meat which, according to its inhabitants, has a salty and delicious taste.