As every year, “The Big Mardi Gras Parade” which takes place in Basse-Terre, the capital of Guadeloupe, has attracted thousands of spectators from all over the island, the Caribbean and other countries. In the early morning hours, some have settled on the sidewalks to make sure not to miss the parade; others preferred to brave the traffic jams but they have arrived safe and sound, it was the most important.
From 12:30, 50 groups have taken the start of the parade to walk through the main streets of the capital, 45 of them participated in the prestigious competition “Winner 2018”. During almost 5 kilometers, the carnival lovers have shown the vast public their creativity in music, dance, make-up, costume and decor. In total, Basse-Terre enjoyed for more than twelve hours a show without interruption. The sun and especially the many rainy moments did not discourage the carnival enthusiasts who had with their parasols or umbrellas.
Organized by the “Fédération du Carnaval et des Fêtes de la Guadeloupe”, this parade is unique on the island because it highlights the sets of the groups. Let us remember that “La Fédé” was at the origin of the installation of this famous red carpet and paying stands in the competition area, innovations in the carnival which, at that time, had been much talked about and which, today, have been taken by other towns in Guadeloupe. Even if some municipalities organize their parades this day,“La Grande Parade du Mardi Gras” in Basse-Terre is now an institution with which it will be difficult to compete… Here are some pictures.