From December 13 to 22, 2023, Guadeloupean visual artist Patricia Lollia is organizing a new exhibition of her works entitled “La Pli Bèl Anba La Bay”. The public is invited from Monday to Saturday from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm to the Pavillon de la Ville in Pointe-à-Pitre, where the artist will be in attendance to discuss her work and her approach.

This exhibition is the continuation of “Sé Dèyè Bwa Ki Ni Bwa”, which took place in the same place and at the same time last year. “I was inspired by a West Indian tale that tells the story of two sisters: Joséphine and Cècène. The mother who preferred Joséphine wanted to pass her off as the beautiful Cècène. In a way, this tale tells us not trust appearances. The role of art is to open the way to what is in the shadows, to what is hidden, to what escapes the naive gaze in order to reveal its beauty”, says the artist about her new production.

We have no more details about the works to be presented, but we imagine that the beauty of women will be highlighted thanks the driftwood that Patricia Lollia collects, especially on the beaches of Sainte-Anne and Le Gosier, or thanks wood she gathers from houses destroyed by fire, notably in Pointe-à-Pitre. This recycling process is also the originality of the works presented by the artist at each of her exhibitions.

Patricia Lollia, a retired school psychologist, is a self-taught artist with a lot to say for, having started her career in 2019, she has already shown her creations in more than a dozen solo and group exhibitions, both physical and online, much to the delight of her fans who note her artistic progress or novelties each time.
The opening of “La Pli Bèl Anba La Bay” will be held on Wednesday December 13 from 6:00 pm to 9:30 pm.